Contact Us

Heirloom Dance Studio

Mailing Address
PO Box 1584
Boise, ID 83701

Joel Hunter
Owner/Dance Instructor

Stephanie Hinton
Dance Instructor

For Boise Community Center
700 Robbins Rd, Boise, ID 83702

Broadway Dance Center
Β 893 E Boise Ave, Boise, ID 83706

Solid Bar and Grill
405 S 8th St #100, Boise, ID 83702

41 thoughts on “Contact Us

    1. We are right downtown, so we don’t have a parking lot. However, we are right under a parking garage (that is only free for the first hour). You can also park anywhere on the street after 6pm and it is free.

  1. I am interested in the beginner hip-hop class offered on Fridays. Do I just show up or is there a registration process? thank you!

    1. We usually always start our new 4 week sessions at the start of each month. I will be updating it shortly πŸ™‚ Hope to see you soon!

  2. Hello, I am considering your Solo Jazz/Charleston Movement class but am kind of not even really sure what to expect a solo class to be like/if it is something I even have the guts to do being possibly a little more self conscious on my own hehe… You did mention when I was at your Blues class on Friday that it was sort of to help Blues dancers improve…so is it suitable for beginners? Would it be at all possible to pay by class/ just come for the first class to case out if I feel like I was up for the rest?

  3. Hi, is it too late to join your Monday Class that started January 5th?
    (Monday 6:00pm – 7:00pm West Coast Swing I (January 5th – 26th) $40)
    My husband and possibly another couple or two are considering joining.
    If we need to wait, when would the next session start?

    1. Sorry for the late reply. I have to go through so much spam to find the real comments. We have some classes starting up this next week. Check it out in the class schedule tab.

  4. My fiancΓ© and I are looking for dance lessons that will help us with our first dance, we plan on dancing to Frank Sinatra. What class would be a good choice?

    1. Blues is a very mixed dance. It has a wide range of tempos and ideas, just like the music itself. A lot of times it is danced very slowly and intimately, but there is a lot of upbeat blues music as well.

    1. There will be a Salsa/Bachata class starting May 4th at 7pm for 4 weeks. The class will be $40. I will be updating the online schedule here shortly.

  5. Hey, I’m planning to join Salsa / Hip-Hop classes. I have seen the schedule and I think I might only make it to the classes starting December. What is the best time I can register for the upcoming classes..?

    Raja πŸ™‚

  6. My husband and I would like to attend the Thursday 8 pm Beginners Swing Class, but I could not find the registration form. Is there one available online? Thank you! Cheryl Burnham 208-297-4349

  7. I am an absolute beginner but interested in learning to swing dance for the social possibilities (I am a widower). Not sure if, at 75 years of age, this even makes sense but it sounds like fun. I am in reasonably good shape, however, so it might might not be a completely unreasonable thing to try. I might be able to talk one of my Gen-X/Millenial grand daughters to come along for some fun. Am I blowing smoke or is there a venue for a person like me?

    1. Absolutely! The best part about dancing is that it crosses the generation gaps. We would love to have you come dance with us!

  8. My friends and I will be showing up on October 14th for the beginner dance lesson…do we need to wear any particular type of shoes? Also, do we need to sign up prior to showing up?


  9. Hi,
    I’m looking at doing private lessons for three couples, probably on Saturday afternoons. What would that cost? We worked with the gal who taught at the Riverside Hotel…she was great. Can’t remember her name, somehow connected to candy?
    Anyway, what would that look like. We want to focus solely on one dance and get good at it.

    1. Classes will start next week. Just show up to the first class of the set and we will take care of everything when you get here. See you next week!

    1. Yes we do. We don’t have any group classes right now, but we can always schedule a private lesson for you.

    1. Our private lesson prices are the same for a couple or an individual. All of our group lessons are per person.

  10. I have a 15 year old son who would like to learn swing dancing. Is that possible with your venue and what classes might work best.

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